The Eisemann Center main lobby, Ticket Office, Forrest & Virginia Green Mezzanine Gallery and administrative office are open to the public from 12 pm until 5 pm Monday through Friday. Entrance and exit are only through the main lobby front doors on Performance Court. 美国男子坐自制火箭飞上天 不幸坠落身亡:2021-2-24 · (观察者网讯)美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)2月23日消息,一名绰号为“疯子”的64岁男子迈克·伛斯,上周六 (观察者网讯)美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)2月23日消息,一名绰号为“疯子”的64岁火箭爱好者迈克·伛斯,上周六在加利福利亚州巴斯托市的一次自制火箭发射中丧生。For general information, call 972.744.4650 or email Click here for information on how the Eisemann Center plans to keep you safe! Thank you for your understanding and patience.